Deutsch Lernen mit Deutsche Welle (DW) | Học Tiếng Đức với DW


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

The European Framework provides a unified basis for language learning across Europe. In six standardized levels, it describes the skills a learner has at each step along the way.
Level A1 – Getting started
Learn how to communicate the basics, like where you live and what your hobbies are.
Level A2 – Communicating basic information
You can talk about basic topics and express your needs - like when you’re shopping.
Level B1 – Manage everyday situations
When traveling in Germany, you can easily deal with most situations you encounter. You can talk about your experiences and clearly state your point of view.
Level B2 – Be convincing
You can communicate spontaneously and fluently - even in longer conversations with native speakers. You can follow complicated texts and discussions and express your opinion on abstract topics.
Level C1 – Communicate freely
You don’t have to search for words and you can speak German comfortably and flexibly in any situation. You understand long, challenging texts.
Level C2 – Express demands
You understand everything you read and hear and can communicate spontaneously and fluently, conveying detailed information.

(Source: Deutsche Welle - DW) 

1 comment:

  1. A1 Prüfungsvorbereitung

    Ich bereite mich darauf vor, die Sprache von a1 zu üben, es gibt Ressourcen, die dir helfen können, gut zu trainieren?
